Eliminate Virus Recycler

Recently I was made dizzy by a virus on this one, why not confused harm can not be scanned by any anti-virus can not lose, really crazy???. this way the virus can be lost. alhamdullillah.
easy to remove viruses Recycler, Recycler folder instead you click on the recycle bin you press shift and hold press del. but the records should be scanned first with antivirus is uptodate.
good luck! Bablas Angine ...


excell said…
Kalau cara mengembalikan folder yang tersembunyi gimana?
Q udah pake folder option, terus show hidden files. lalu OK.
Tapi kembali lagi g muncul-muncul file yang terhidden.
Q cek di folder option, kembali lagi ke pilihan don't show.
Anonymous said…
tapi tu belum hilang sepenuhnya...
klo qta menghapus file, virus itu pasti keluar lagi...
itu berarti virusnya masih ada,cuma tak tampak di komputer,walaupun optiion hidden di kmpter qta sudah di buka...
yayan maryani said…
waduh,,iya bener,,saya udah coba..
ternyata gampang banget ngilanginnya,.
langsung tewas tuh virus..
makasih buat infonya ya..
aCHMaD said…
ah,,coba mas periksa lagi komputernya,pasti recycler masih nyangkut tuh di komputer punya mas...

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